Gmail is to ditch the use of SMS codes for authentication purposes, a Google spokesperson said. Here’s what you need to know.
Google is making a big change to how authentication works in Gmail to keep you safe while also preventing cybercriminals and ...
A new report claims you're going to need a smartphone or tablet to verify your identity if Google asks you to.
Google has shared more details around its plans on replacing SMS codes with QR codes for user authentication. Read on for the ...
The search-and-ads giant introduced SMS distribution of one-time passcodes for authentication for Gmail in February 2011, and ...
Gmail will soon ditch SMS codes for two-factor authentication, and use QR codes instead. This will reduce the impact of ...
Google will instead introduce on-screen QR codes that will have to be scanned with your chosen authentication device in order ...
First, QR codes eliminate the numeric authentication code, so there's no code for a scammer to intercept or exploit. Second, they're not dependent on any anti-abuse or anti-SMS swapping protections ...
Google is about to overhaul the login procedure for nearly 2 billion Gmail users as part of a major security update to its ...
Google is to finally phase out the use of text message authentication for logging in to Gmail on laptops and PCs in favour of ...
SMS-based two-factor authentication has security issues. That's why Google is finally replacing it with something better soon ...
Google is transitioning from SMS-based authentication to a more secure QR code system for Gmail. This change aims to enhance ...