the best grass to grow in shade will feature plenty of fescues and Poa Supina, so be sure to choose a seed mix that features these varieties in abundance. If you want to grow a lawn in shade ...
Hard Fescue Grass Will Out-Compete Weeds Around Tree Roots Since lawns struggle to grow beneath the shade of trees, weeds can take over. One of the best defenses against weeds is a thriving lawn ...
While pruning most shade trees every three to five years ... soil's pH yourself using an inexpensive kit or meter. Lawn grasses grow best in a soil pH between 6.5 and 7. Use limestone to raise ...
You're better off cutting your losses and replacing the sun-starved patch of grass with a shade ... best results, sharpen and balance the blade three times during the growing season. Most lawns ...
It's traditional to give lawns a pick-me-up in ... in areas hit by hosepipe bans, it's best to hold on until after some decent rain and you can see the grass is growing again.