Michele Austin, who played Jean-Baptiste's sister in "Secrets & Lies," assumes a sibling role again with a heartfelt and compassionate portrayal. Her lively, inventive take on Chantal is a ...
Marianne Jean-Baptiste knows her Hard Truths character, Pansy, is a tough pill to swallow. But Pansy’s history and personal ...
“Hard Truths” is a small independent film that focuses on Pansy, the matriarch of a small family living in London. Pansy is ...
Chantal, Kayla and Aleisha — paint a multifaceted family portrait that, eventually, helps unearth the deep anguish that lies beneath Pansy's risible demeanor. Marianne Jean-Baptiste and Michele ...
Marianne Jean-Baptiste could earn her second Oscar nomination for Mike Leigh's "Hard Truths." It's a long time coming for the veteran actress.