Local school districts are losing students — with a couple notable exceptions — according to a Dayton Daily News analysis of school districts in Montgomery, Greene, Warren, Miami, Clark and Butler ...
News will participate in Capitol Chat on Jan. 28, a free, annual event put on the by the League of Women Voters of the Greater Dayton Area focused on political happenings in Ohio’s capitol.
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Dayton, Inc. wants to build 30 new homes in Dayton’s Edgemont neighborhood. The funding request is for $3 million in a project deemed to cost $8.3 million.
A new full-service grocery store in southwest Dayton has a soft opening today and launches normal operations on Monday. Gettysburg Grocery, GGs for short, is located at 811 S. Gettysburg Ave., which ...
Multiple districts have announced school closures on Tuesday, after snow is expected to stop accumulating.
The Dayton Flyers played in front of the least-packed venue they’ve seen all season Saturday at George Washington’s Charles E. Smith Center and lost 82-62. Five days later, they played in front of an ...
West Carrollton is looking for the financial means to clean up a former industrial property and prepare it for recreation space.