Dorm Daze unfolds during a crazy afternoon at a university co-ed dormitory in the days before Christmas break when one of the students, Styles McFee, hires a prostitute named Dominique for his ...
is the 2006 sequel of National Lampoon Presents Dorm Daze (2003), both directed by the brothers David and Scott Hillenbrand. The movie continues to follow the hilarious exploits and misadventures ...
The National Lampoon's Dorm Daze series satirizes college life with over-the-top humor and coming-of-age themes. The first film involves campus shenanigans with a pair of Dominiques, while the ...
The National Lampoon's Dorm Daze series satirizes college life with over-the-top humor and coming-of-age themes. The first film involves campus shenanigans with a pair of Dominiques, while the ...