After four decades in captivity, a former circus elephant named Duma is experiencing a remarkable transformation at Shambala ...
The farmer from Mbire district was one of 46 people killed by wild animals in Zimbabwe this year. Hwange National Park, the country's large nature reserve spanning 14,600 sq km (5,637 sq miles ...
One man living next to Hwange National Park said it sometimes feels like the government cares more for the animals than the people. The alternative to selling elephants, says the environment ...
The 200 elephants will be hunted in areas where they have clashed with humans, including Hwange, home of Zimbabwe's largest natural reserve, ZimParks Director-General Fulton Mangwanya told AFP.
It should only be undertaken, though, in the company of those who truly know the bush and how to walk through it. Our six-night trip was organised by Yellow Zebra Safaris and, at their recommendation, ...
Two firms had been given a licence to explore for coal in Hwange, Zimbabwe's biggest national park. It is home to more than 40,000 elephants and numerous other species, including the endangered ...