SANTA ANA, CA - At the January 28 Board of Supervisors meeting, the Supervisors unanimously approved $742,000 in Prop 69 ...
A federal government directive to freeze trillions of dollars in spending sent Orange County supervisors scrambling at their meeting Tuesday to ask staff how to cope with a shortfall if the money ...
A CONDO COMPLEX THAT ORANGE COUNTY HAS CALLED ... it has decayed to the point where the county calls it a life safety hazard. Arson, violent and drug-related crime, lax maintenance, infrequent ...
And with the Orange County Board of Supervisors slated to vote Tuesday, Jan. 14 on creating a new Human Relations Commission – a move that will put future hate crime reports under direct control ...
William Zeigler was convicted in 1976 of murdering four people inside his Winter Garden furniture store on Christmas Eve, 1975.