The Roman army was very well organised. It consisted of several distinct units. Each legion was spit into smaller parts of 480 men called a cohort. These centuries were then further split up into ...
After an amateur archaeologist found a Roman dagger in the hills of Switzerland in 2019, experts flocked to the site to carry ...
The Roman Empire was created and controlled by its soldiers. At the core of the army were its legions, which were without equal in their training, discipline and fighting ability. By the time ...
During the Roman period, the ancient city was a cultural ... The pieces indicate that the military unit stationed in Hadrianopolis may have been active for approximately 200 or 300 years.
The smallest Roman military unit of Legionaries is known as a contubernium consisting of eight men who shared duties, tents, cooking and eating. Cooking pots, plates and food rations would have ...
During the Roman occupation of the region, which gradually started in 1st century BC and continued in the following centuries, the relations between the Roman Empire, local nomads and inhabitants of ...