A handful of popular animated movie series have improved as they've continued, putting out entertaining and beloved third ...
Shrek fans get some disappointing news as the film suffers a major setback. Per Deadline, the fifth entry in the long-running Shrek feature film franchise has been pushed back by Universal Pictures ...
Shrek's cinematic return is still coming, but he'll have to wait for the Minions to get done taking over summer 2026.
Universal Pictures has shifted the release dates for Shrek 5 and Minions 3. Shrek 5 will now premiere on December 23, 2026, coinciding with the franch ...
Shrek 5, the long-awaited sequel, has been delayed to December 23, 2026, after originally being scheduled for July 1, 2026. Directed by Walt Dohrn, this film will bring back Eddie Murphy as Donkey and ...
It's a little hard to believe that we're not far away from the 25th anniversary of the first Shrek film – but if that makes you feel a little old, at least there's some good news to cheer you up.
Netflix viewers have been left 'overwhelmed' by the latest entry into the Shrek universe which has been dubbed 'one of the ...
And there’s even a release date for Shrek 5, which was originally July 1, 2026 but is now pushed back to December 23, 2026. The film is in its early stages of development and, as Murphy ...
An iconic 'actor' from the popular Shrek franchise, voiced by Eddie Murphy, has passed away at the age of 30 following an incurable disease, it has been annouced ...
it's hardly surprising that the superb stage production of Shrek the Musical—based on DreamWorks' hit animated Shrek film series (which was itself originally adapted from an obscure 1990 children's ...