Slime Time is a short-lived syndicated game show, running on Saturdays from June 11 to September 3, 1988. It was created to cash in on the success of Double Dare, and was very similar to that show.
Now on its fourth season, Slimetime promises more animated football antics, with highlights featuring on-field slime, smoke, lightning and more special effects. The show also features regular ...
Adam Wurtzel and special surprise guest Jeff Sutphen spoke with original "Slime Time Live" hosts Dave Aizer and Jonah Travick as the show celebrates its 25th Anniversary.
Triple slime time! It's been a dramatic day in the Mash ... 💚 That's right, we want to hear from YOU throughout the week and during the show! Tell us what you thought of the slime result ...
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles will be released on just about every platform in August. Isekai anime these days typically have long, first-person titles, and one of the ...