Witness the incredible story of Richard Halsey Best, the WWII pilot whose daring actions at the Battle of Midway led to the destruction of two enemy carriers. A true tale of courage and heroism!
In the decades following World War II, numerous fighter pilots have emerged from the record books to belatedly receive an honor long denied them: credit for downing five enemy aircraft and ...
“The FAA has received dozens of new laser reports from pilots in airspace spanning NJ, NY and PA,” the agency said in a statement, first released to CNN. “In New Jersey, laser strikes are up ...
"Only the pilot was on board. The FAA and NTSB will investigate. The NTSB will be in charge of the investigation and will provide further updates." the FAA said in a statement to 2 On Your Side.
The FAA said it has received "dozens of new laser reports" from pilots in airspace spanning New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania -- with laser strikes in New Jersey in particular up ...