A sperm whale stranded on Cuttyhunk Island over the weekend, adding to alarming whale death toll since December. Here's what ...
A federal appeals court is reinstating rules designed to protect a vanishing whale species from entanglement in fishing gear.
President-elect Donald Trump says wind farms off the Massachusetts coast are “driving the whales crazy,” and his administration will look to enact a policy that halts the development of the ...
Appeals court in Boston restores fisheries service rule Lobstermen said rule ran afoul of Supreme Court decision Conservation groups hail victory for right whales Jan 30 (Reuters) - A federal ...
(NOAA Fisheries via AP) Two endangered whales have been spotted entangled in fishing gear off Massachusetts, and one is likely to die from its injuries, the federal government said. They are North ...
Massachusetts Lobster Fishing Limits to Protect Whales Restored by Appeals Court By Jonathan Stempel (Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Thursday restored a U.S. agency rule restricting lobster ...
Two endangered whales have been spotted entangled in fishing gear off Massachusetts, and one is likely to die from its injuries, the federal government said. They are North Atlantic right whales ...
(Reuters) - A federal appeals court on Thursday restored a U.S. agency rule restricting lobster and Jonah crab fishing off the Massachusetts coast to protect endangered whales, rejecting a claim ...