The physics underlying the effect is complex. But the easiest way to explain it is to consider the Magnus effect. When a spinning ball moves through the air, it creates a force that makes it curve ...
Progress in solid-state physics tends to occur in increments rather ... but then Kravchenko and his collaborators switched off the spin. All electrons have a spin associated with them, but ...
Researchers have discovered unexpected 1D-like spin behavior in a triangular molecular lattice, challenging the conventional ...
The potential for using spin in practical applications has already been realized in a number of different fields (the award of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics to Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg ...
Dr. Rod Cross, an avid tennis fan who earned his PhD in plasma physics from Sydney University, co-authored the book Technical Tennis: Racquets, Strings, Balls, Courts, Spin and Bounce with ...
A new study has addressed this bottleneck by proving the existence of a nuclear-spin dark state. This state has been ...
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