Renowned astrologer Pradip Verma, celebrated as one of the best Vedic astrologers in Delhi, has brought clarity and ...
Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy, who lived in Egypt, built upon Babylonian knowledge in his geocentric model of the ...
Astrological Remedies that were hitherto considered as jargon or gibberish can now be translated in simple language through Pandit Damodhar Rao.
Unlock the divine power of Tulsi in your own home! According to ancient Vedic wisdom, planting Tulsi in your courtyard can ...
Military forces have participated in Inauguration Day since 1789, when local militias and veterans escorted George Washington to his first inauguration.
Are you stuck deciding where to travel in 2025? Let the stars handle the hard work for you! Your Zodiac sign says a lot about ...
Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn, already visible to the naked eye, will be joined by Mercury, Neptune & Uranus in a rare ...
Embarking on a monumental cultural and spiritual endeavor, Bhagva, in collaboration with the International Mandir Prabhandak ...
Psychics can be traced back to ancient times where a person’s intuition was treasured, and now things have become ...
The Republic, the best-known work of ancient Greek philosopher Plato, authored around 375 BC, has shaped western political ...
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Dinosaur fossils discovered by paleontologists working with the University of Wisconsin-Madison have been determined to be ...