A gift from the Motion Picture Association in partnership with the Geena Davis Institute offers incoming ambassadors the ...
Born in Detroit, Smith grew up in Columbus, OH before heading off to Howard University in Washington, D.C. and then on to New ...
In the realm of investments, it's easy to gauge success based just on the sheer volume of agreements or the dizzying sums of ...
Barring a few exceptions, Hollywood movies continue to be gung-ho about the United States’ penchant for waging wars across ...
In Los Angeles, people stay for the movie credits. After the awful images of these fires are gone, they will stay to rebuild ...
For Freedoms’ billboards could surprise, comfort or confuse. Now the group is asking, Where do we go from here?
This essay is a Cover Story selection, a weekly feature highlighting the top picks from the editors of America Media ... into dialogue with challenging art—including well-reasoned and compelling ...
And indeed, Lodge’s themes made him a popular author in the pages of America in the post-Vatican II period, when almost every new novel was reviewed. Though he described himself as an ...
On the stir around Dean Kissick's article "The Painted Protest" in 'Harper's' and the likely end of the "radlib" era of ...
When Whisky Advocate magazine distilled a compendium of “America’s Top Whisky Bars,” one Alabama venue made the list of 125.
QUILT SHOW: The “Resilient” exhibition, to be held Jan. 10-11, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., is sponsored by the Crescent City Quilters.