Capricorn: Here are you free predictions for the week, from January 19 to January 25 ...
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The corners around your heart are due for a full cleaning inspection. You can’t expect to feel more if there’s thick dust taking up space — old hurts, unspoken words, and lingering ...
Do you sense a power dynamic between you and someone you care for? The first step is to realize it's happening and not pretend it doesn't bother you. Once you are clear on what's going on, you ...
Are you hoisting people onto a pedestal, Aries? Or, conversely, writing them off without a fair shake? This Tuesday, January 21, as the illuminating Sun beams into Pluto’s chamber of secrets ...
It's a big day in the political calendar; the world's movers and shakers are gathering to witness the inauguration of the new President of the United States. And in the skies overhead, a ...
Ready for a change of gear? This weekend, as the Sun moves to enter free-thinking Aquarius, and both Mercury (intellect) and Venus (love) link with Saturn, it's an ideal time to think about what ...
Today you are likely to discover that you can finally talk to your significant other about something that has been troubling you in the past. Do not worry because the news will be well received and ...
The sweet nothings are an integral part of every romance. The stealthy glances, the coy smiles and reaching to whisper something special in your partner’s ears just to see him/her glow, all of this ...