Estimates say bird numbers have dropped by as much as 16% in the UK in the past 50 years, which is why gardeners are being ...
House martins may find his 17th-century North Yorkshire house sufficiently des res, but to nurture the swifts, barn owls and kestrels, locally made nests are called for ...
To vent or not to vent, that is the question: whether ’tis better to share frustrations or to grapple with them alone. And so ...
The U.S. was once the world’s most geographically mobile society. Now we’re stuck in place—and that’s a very big problem.
Spotify Minnesota’s state bird is everywhere: There are loons on license plates and library cards, at lottery counters, and ...
This is a great time of year to see birds’ nests. A search for bird nests is like an archaeological dig, without the ground and without the dig. Shrubs and trees are naked, allowing an open ...
For individuals, homelessness is often associated with mental health issues and substance abuse. But for cities, high levels ...
Explore the unique landmarks of North Carolina, including historic sites and national historical landmarks, the state's rich ...
If you are like me, every time I look out the window it seems like the ground under my bird feeders appears to be moving. The entire area seems to be alive with little brown birds. Each one of ...
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Safety officials are reminding parents about the most common hazards in the home in recognition of Burn Awareness Week. This year’s theme is “Burn Prevention ...
House Sparrows are small, plump birds with rounded heads and stout beaks. Males have a grey crown, chestnut-brown nape, and black bib that expands during breeding season. Their wings display distinct ...
Could a novel approach to genetic studies give us a clearer picture of how evolutionary adaptations occur? That's what the ...