In the wilds of northern Minnesota, an enigmatic creature has been caught on camera, leaving wildlife experts scratching ...
Coyote mating season is upon us and they are most active during dusk and dawn. Follow these tips to stay safe.
Remove excess bird seed on the ground that may be attracting mice to your yard, which in turn attracts coyotes. Haze, or scare, coyotes out of your yard. Coyotes are naturally wary of people.
or even the Saarloos wolf dog. But how can you be sure they aren’t a fierce coyote? “Coyotes only come in a few flavors. Their coats are usually brown and tan mixed with gray and black.
Coyotes are not uncommon in Oklahoma, where their populations thrive due to the state's mix of open plains, wooded areas and suburban developments. Though they are naturally shy around humans, they ...
Coyotes are not uncommon in Oklahoma, where their populations thrive due to the state's mix of open plains ... the house while our kids were outside. Dogs attacked it and it ran and it came ...
The recent coyote attack on a dog in Edgartown — some state and local officials say it may be the first widely reported ...
Photo of Delilah, a four-year-old Boxer-Pitbull mix, after she was attacked ... Calvert said she believed the coyotes were looking for food and thought her dog was food. Stitches that Delilah ...