Max’s animated DC series “Harley Quinn” is back with more adventures for beloved villains turned anti-heroes Harley (Kaley Cuoco) and Ivy (Lake Bell), but this season, they’re shaking ...
In truth, most heroes still don't know how to react to Harley ... super strength/speed, flight, magic, and teleportation Exiled by Shazam Black Adam has a rich and complicated history in DC ...
The "Back To School" episode of Harley Quinn Season 5 offers a new, less problematic take on the origins of Poison Ivy.
The new drop celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride with DC heroes and villains like Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Tim Drake, and Batwoman.
As James Gunn’s reinvention of the DC movie and TV universe gathers momentum, it would be easy to forget about the previously existing DC adaptations that are continuing alongside Gunn’s new ...
James Gunn says a new DC Elseworlds opening, which will be different than the introduction for DCU projects, is being ...