The sequel to Donkey Kong Country Returns, the Retro Studios-developed Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze is a classic-style ...
Donkey Kong Country Returns HD is still a great game, but it's not quite worth its hefty price tag if you've played it before ...
The next Donkey Kong game will probably look a lot different from DKC Returns and DKC: Tropical Freeze, due to one recent change Nintendo has made.
Amazon-owned retailer Woot has dropped the price of the recently released platformer even lower, allowing fans to save $15 on the remaster.
In 2018, we got an enhanced release of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze that packed in Funky Kong as a new playable character. To this day, Tropical Freeze is one of my favorite platformers ever, ...
While there is no hurry to prune dead growth off these plants, do be sure to do it before they start to send up new growth in ...
How long will the hiring freeze last, and what are the implications for federal employees, those with job offers, and college graduates and students? One day after President Trump was sworn into ...
The Trump administration is spurring confusion as it seeks to implement a sweeping freeze of federal assistance, undermining laws Congress has enacted in recent years. The White House budget ...
A group of nonprofits, health workers, and small business owners have successfully asked a federal judge in Washington, DC, to immediately halt the Trump administration's freeze on federal loans ...
Here’s a small life hack that you’ll be happy you've tried: You can freeze milk. That way, you can always have some on hand, and storing extra milk in the freezer can also help you avoid waste ...
By Mattathias Schwartz and Benjamin Oreskes A federal judge in the District of Columbia on Tuesday evening temporarily blocked the Trump administration’s effort to freeze as much as $3 trillion ...