Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) - Founder of Utilitarianism; believed morality was a question of 'the greatest happiness of the greatest number". Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) - Man is a slave to his ...
Spicy headline, I know. The USA has vehemently fought communism since World War II. Actually, even before then.
It’s indisputably one of the most important works in history. Karl Marx’s Capital has been perennially embraced by those trying to understand and move beyond the capitalist system—and reviled in equal ...
One man whose journey mirrored those monumental times in the early part of the century was Mosa (Moshe) Pijade, a towering ...
The eastern German city of Chemnitz is due to kick off its year as European Capital of Culture on January 18 with an opening ...
"Religion is the opium of the people." "Man makes religion; religion does not make man." "The abolition of religion as the ...
The Bible skeptic Michael, whom we have been engaged with for many weeks, asks a very important question: “Isn’t all religion ...
Many Church fathers who claim to follow Jesus have only leveraged religion (as an opium, to quote Karl Marx again) to build vast business empires for themselves and their families. We can count Church ...
To quote historian and expert on religious studies, John Dominic Crossan: “Jesus called for nonviolent resistance to Rome and ...
Some Jews really were self-hating: for example, some of the major characters of communism — Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky and Rosa ...
Hanukkah and Christmas are important affirmations of a religious heritage that America, as established, can’t survive without ...