A new motto emerged among staff at BeWell, New Mexico’s health insurance marketplace, after the 2024 election: "Stay calm, ...
The proposal would require minimum financial assistance for households at up to four times the federal poverty level.
New York has the third most Medicaid recipients, behind New Mexico and Louisiana. NEW YORK - Millions of Americans receive ...
New Mexico’s latest new fund could be targeted at the state’s growing Medicaid budget. A bill filed by a bipartisan group of senators would earmark $300 million for a new health care trust ...
With a new administration in the White House, there has been a lot of talk about potential federal cuts to health care. It’s more important now than ever for our ...
A new report from Georgetown University showed the effects a proposed cut to Medicaid would have on rural New Mexico, where residents already have worse health outcomes than those in cities.
Expanding insurance for uninsured people by increasing Medicaid eligibility seems like a great idea at first blush. Of course, we want everyone in New Mexico to have access to health care coverage.
Two Democratic U.S. lawmakers are “sounding the alarm bell” about how Medicaid cuts proposed by House Republicans could jeopardize care for Michiganders. The extent and impact of these proposed cuts ...