The Cape Breton Comedy Festival will host its inaugural Valentine’s Day show, “Be My Funny Valentine” featuring headliner Travis Lindsay on Feb. 14. The show at Daniel’s Alehouse in Sydney starts at 8 ...
British guitarist John Sykes, best known for his work with rock bands Thin Lizzy and Whitesnake, has died aged 65 “after a ...
One of the largest comedy festivals in the world, the Melbourne International Comedy Festival (MICF) returns next month with a program that promises to be as entertaining as it is expansive.
As a sentient species, we have lived long enough to understand that life would be as dull as a dishwasher without humor and comedy. It can also be said to be the only aspect of life that separates us ...
Pour le gala de clôture du Montreux Comedy 2023, c'est Thaïs qui prend les commandes et invite le public dans son bar favori. Le temps d'écouter un ultime "Lac du Connemara" ou une chanson de ...
Après 2 ans d'absence, le Montreux Comedy Festival revient pour une nouvelle édition. Gérémy Crédeville et Guillermo Guiz présentent " Stand up in the rain ", pour un moment très intense de ...
Jubil, c'est le nom provisoire du festival qui est créé avec Grégoire Furrer, qui est à la tête du Montreux Comedy Festival. Dès 2022, le joaillier Ferret s'est engagé en tant que Mécène ...
«Les filles du Caustic m’ont poussée à faire des scènes ouvertes, confie celle qui s’est fait remarquer cet automne lors de l’édition 2022 du Montreux Comedy Festival. Aujourd’hui je ...
A scene from the comedy “Phylax” showing three men (Gynmilos ... to go disguised as a woman to the great female celebration of Thesmophoria, a fertility festival for women held every autumn that ...
The forbidden fruit that you can only get if you’re above 18… We’re talking about R-rated sex comedies. Comedy films come in many forms — they could be family comedies that anyone can watch ...