Flags across Oklahoma are to fly at half-staff to honor former governor and Univeristy of Oklahoma president David Boren, who ...
Flags across Oklahoma are to fly at half-staff to honor former governor and Univeristy of Oklahoma president David Boren, who died Thursday at 83.
Nestled in the heart of Oklahoma City, Joey’s Pizzeria stands as a beacon of cheesy goodness amidst the urban landscape. Its ...
Nov. 5 could soon be recognized as President Donald J. Trump Day in Oklahoma after one senator authored a bill seeking to add the holiday honoring the current president into the state statutes.
He also has said Canada “would be much better off” being the 51st U.S. state. Heather Stone, general manager at Flag Outlet in Coquitlam, B.C., said the number of people purchasing flags had ...
There are two bills in the NH legislature this year that would change the current state flag, adopted in 1909. One proposes a flag featuring the iconic Old Man of the Mountain, while another would ...
True mercy never nullifies justice; it upholds it. Yet Odom would have the state ignore its God-given role (Romans 13:4) while the church assumes a function it was never called to fill.
At the stroke of noon on February 15, 1965, Canada’s red and white maple leaf flag was raised for the very first time on Parliament Hill. On the same day in 1996, National Flag of Canada Day was ...
The dimensions/proportions of the National Flag of Canada have an exact ratio of 2 to 1 (twice as long as it is wide), and must not be modified. The National Flag of Canada should not be written on or ...
Kevin West, R-Moore, said he would be “perfectly fine” limiting government entities to installing flags of the United States, the state of Oklahoma and/or municipalities. HB 1219, which passed ...
Shrum, who was President at OSU for nearly four years, released the following statement to NonDoc who have shared with News On 6/News9: "I have loved Oklahoma State University all my life.