Once thought to mate for life, more penguins seem to be setting out in search of new partners come breeding season. Here’s ...
These images from the Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest show just why penguins have waddled into our hearts ...
Little Penguins, as it turns out, aren't very faithful, and they aren't the only species destroying human illusions of unconditional 'love' in nature. While it's true that during breeding season, most ...
The study discovered that divorce rates in these penguins are a key factor in predicting the colonys breeding success.
A 13-year study of tiny penguins in Australia has dispelled the long-held myth that these seabirds mate for life, with the 'divorce rate' nearly 10 times that of the current statistics for US adults.
Penguins were classified as divorced if their partner from the prior breeding season reappeared in the colony but with a new ...
Sometimes they just don’t work out, even in penguins that can mate with the same partner for several years. The little penguins (Eudyptula minor) that live on Phillip Island in Australia have be ...
The common misconception that penguins mate forever has been shredded by a new study that has found that little penguins, scientifically called Eudyptula minor, “divorce” their partners to ...