American Primeval season 1 is a historical drama series streaming on Netflix. Directed by Peter Berg, the show is set in the Utah Territory during 1857, a time marked by the Utah War. The series ...
"American Primeval" continues to reign as the No. 1 series on Netflix right now. Will there be another season of the Western ...
WARNING: SPOILERS ahead for American Primeval. Netflix's epic period Western series American Primeval might be making a ...
After sitting on top of the Netflix top 10 list for a while, American Primeval, the limited series starring Taylor Kitsch, is ...
The entire nine-episode first season of American Primeval recently dropped on Netflix. Following the release, director Pete ...
A month after Taylor Sheridan’s Yellowstone wrapped its five-season run on Paramount Network, viewers clamoring for a new ...
Here's everything you need to know about the possibility of 'American Primeval returning for a second season on Netflix.
This unsparingly grim Netflix western draws from a tradition of works eager to push beyond sanitized frontier myths. Here’s a ...
Netflix's "American Primeval" starring Taylor Kitsch is partly inspired by the true story of the Mountain Meadows Massacre of ...
It may be premature to go around throwing terms like “best of the year” right now, but life moves fast, and Netflix moves even faster. The streaming service has just dropped American Primeval, a ...
There’s a new Western series on the block, and Netflix viewers are launching it to the number one spot, despite being so violent.
Taylor Kitsch told UPI he wanted to play Isaac in "American Primeval" because the character is a broken man who rediscovers his humanity and finds a new sense of purpose.