Learn all about the different stages of cannabis plant growth, the factors that affect the marijuana growing process, & tips ...
If retaining height in the garden is important, you can opt to prune each branch or stem individually at uneven heights. Or cut back one-third of the plant’s branches each year for three years.
Did you know that well-pruned evergreens are far more resilient to our harsh winters? Or that the problem of tree removal and ...
This plant is one that benefits from consistent pruning, since it helps the plant to produce a lot of fruit each year. Its ...
In fact, you can also prune your rubber plant for fuller growth even if it doesn't have unhealthy foliage to begin with. Just like pruning garden plants, there's an art to pruning houseplants ...
Heather is a hardy plant known to survive without much maintenance, but it is incredibly important to prune it at the right time so it stays healthy throughout the rest of winter. Alison, ...
This is the perfect time to prune your orchid, as it helps redirect the plant's energy toward healthy roots and future flower production. First, remove any leaves that have begun browning ...
MacCubbin gives advice on gardening in Florida including ground-cover roses, pepper plants, spring transplanting, bare spots ...
Christmas cactuses are easy-going, tropical plants that grow well in most homes and rarely need pruning. But if your plant is ...
Still, the plant's dormancy means it can handle ice, snow, and other weather conditions easily. The gardening gurus advise pruning in January or February to prepare the roses for the year ahead.
Gardening aficionados, it's time to wield those pruning shears because trimming your green friends during this season could result in blooming rewards come spring. Julia Omelchenko from Plantum ...