'Dan di tahun yang baru ini penuh harapan dan semangat,” kata Welmi Kalangit ketika diwawancarai, Kamis (6/2/2025).
Yuk, pahami lebih dalam tentang lembaga sosial! Pelajari jenis dan contohnya agar makin peka terhadap peran sosial di sekitar ...
KUTIPAN – Penjabat (Pj.) Gubernur Lampung, Samsudin, bersama Pj. Ketua Tim Penggerak PKK Provinsi Lampung, Maidawati Retnoningsih, menerima gelar adat Pangeran ...
MEDIALAMPUNG.CO.ID - Pj Gubernur Lampung, Samsudin, bersama Pj Ketua Tim Penggerak PKK Provinsi Lampung, Maidawati Retnoningsih, menerima gelar adat Lampung Pangeran Sejati dan Pangeran Permaisuri ...
Inilah deretan proyek tugu dengan harga fantastis di Kalimantan Timur, Kutai Timur paling mahal. - Halaman all ...
Pada Kamis, 23 Januari 2025, diperingati sebagai Hari Perlawanan Rakyat Luwu (HPRL) Ke-79, sekaligus Hari Jadi (HUT) Luwu Ke-757.
Penjabat (Pj) Bupati Barito Selatan, Deddy Winarwan Bersama Ketua TP-PKK menghadiri peresmian kantor Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika, Statistik, dan Persandian (Diskominfo) Kabupaten Barito Selatan (Bar ...
The Kurdish-led SDF, which have controlled northeast Syria for the past decade, is under attack from the Syrian National Army, an umbrella of militias fighting on behalf of Turkey, which regards the ...
PKK Would Leave Syria if Kurdish Forces Keep Leadership Role, Official Says (Reuters) - An official with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) said on Thursday the militant group would agree to leave ...
Jan 16 (Reuters) - An official with the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) said on Thursday the militant group would agree to leave northeastern Syria if the U.S.-allied Kurdish Syrian Democratic ...
Türkiye's National Intelligence Organization (MIT) has "neutralized" Islam Dotkanlou, a senior figure in the terrorist PKK's so-called Iranian branch, along with his bodyguard in an operation ...
ANKARA - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan's nationalist ally on Tuesday urged jailed PKK militant group leader Abdullah Ocalan to announce the group's disbandment after his next meeting with the ...