Written and directed by French filmmaker Jacques Audiard, Emilia Pérez tells the story of a Mexican named lawyer, Rita (Zoe ...
From Sonic the Hedgehog to Fallout, there are more and more quality shows and films to watch based on some of the most ...
Keanu Reeves joins the voice cast as Shadow in the third Sega video game-inspired film that features Ben Schwartz, Idris Elba ...
The Video Game History Foundation has officially opened up digital access to a large portion of its massive archives today, ...
Per Apple TV+ , Severance Season 2, Episode 3, is set to premiere Friday, January 31. However, fans of the streaming service know that new Apple TV+ episodes typically drop the night before the ...
So nothing is carved in stone, but it can be said that a window of about two months is being maintained, which would mean that mid-February is very likely date of the release of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 ...
For three decades, Carrey has dominated Hollywood in some capacity. Whether as a comedian genius or as the king of comebacks, Carrey has never left the public spotlight. And everyone loves him for it.
For the longest time, it seemed that any movie based on a video game was doomed to fail. After all, a video game is supposed ...
Netflix is adding a bunch of great movies to its library in February 2025, including Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Kinda Pregnant.