“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
"Severance" season one introduced Mark, Helly, Dylan, and Irving's careers at Lumon. Here's a recap of what to remember for ...
It's time to clock back in at Lumon for "Severance" Season 2, but first freshen up with what went down in Season 1.
Warning: Severance season 1 spoilers ahead! Severance’s first season ended with many unanswered questions. The critically ...
Papal thriller " Conclave," which stars Ralph Fiennes as a cardinal overseeing the election of a new pope, leads the race — ...
There's just one task left for the Detroit Lions to clinch the No. 1 seed in the NFC. After the Minnesota Vikings beat the Green Bay Packers on Sunday, 27-25, in Week 17 of the NFL season ...
The season finale of the Emmy-winning competition series, where stars disguise their identity wearing extravagant and often peculiar costumes, not only unmasked both finalists but crowned a winner.
AFTER missing the final day of the 2023 season and losing his chance to be crowned champion jockey for the first time, Dillon ...