“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
"Severance" season one introduced Mark, Helly, Dylan, and Irving's careers at Lumon. Here's a recap of what to remember for ...
From season two of "Severance" to "Back in Action," here's what to watch this weekend on Netflix, Peacock, Max, and more ...
PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 owners can tune into Severance Season 2 (and other highly rated Apple TV+ shows, like Mythic ...
Since winning a ho-hum Super Bowl in Atlanta (13-3 over the Rams), the Patriots have endured a six-season freefall fueled by ...
Severance season 2 kicks off with episode 1, Hello, Ms. Cobel, and there's so much to talk about. It's been three years since ...
I’ve already published my full Season 2 (spoiler-free) review. Now, we can dive into each individual episode as they stream ...
With pitchers and catchers reporting next month, the Chicago Cubs still need to add a couple of arms to their bullpen for the ...
Joel Klatt is willing to take on the role as the college football's commissioner, proposing several changes in his first week ...
Love is in the air for Joyce (Wendi McLendon-Covey), while Bruce (Josh Lawson) fights for the right to date his co-workers.
The Dallas Cowboys' job is both alluring and challenging thanks to several unique factors. But where does the position rank ...
When you watch the opening credits of Severance Season 1, it's not just a beautiful way to kick off the show—it's like peeking into the minds of the characters and the ideas they're dealing with.