The Vanishings, a crime drama set to air on Channel 5, stars Allen Leech and India Mullen in the lead roles. The show was ...
Fans of crime dramas are in for a treat as Channel 5 will be airing a new thriller called The Vanishings which will include a ...
Channel 5 is set to air the new crime thriller The Vanishings, which stars Allen Leech and India Mullen in the lead roles.
CHANNEL 5 lands a gripping new drama called The Vanishings with Brassic and Downton Abbey stars. The crime drama starring India Mullen and Allen Leech was filmed in Dublin’s Blackrock in Ireland.
The show was first known as The Vanishing Triangle and aired on Virgin Media One in Ireland and on Acorn TV in the UK last year. It is based on the terrifying cases of women who vanished without ...
President Biden in 2022 announced Admiral Linda Fagan as the new commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard making her the first woman to lead a branch of the U.S. military. President Trump's administration ...
A scientist claims to have 'solved' the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, a place which has captured the imagination of many ...
Learn more about this seafloor mapping initiative and how having a clear understanding of seafloors can help in ecological ...
Avalon has brought in Night Train Media and NENT Studios UK alum Adam Barth as part of a restructure that sees the retirement ...
He has worked as an executive producer on shows such as Vanishing Triangle, As Long as We Live, and The Inheritance. Barth has also worked for NENT Studios UK as commercial director and SVP for EMEA, ...
Nearby, will be Orion, along with the Winter Triangle of bright stars Procyon ... Mars will rise along with the Full Moon and pull off a special vanishing act known as an occultation.