The most common symptom of an overactive bladder is a sudden, uncontrolled need or urge to urinate; followed by the need to urinate excessively throughout the day and night, independent of fluid ...
In TCM, the human being is seen as a complex interplay of physical and non-physical elements. The concept of souls, each associated with specific organs and functions, is integral to this view: The ...
In the past 20-plus years of practice, I have often heard colleagues condescendingly speaking of systems they do not practice while suggesting that their system, training, and lineage are superior. A ...
This month’s installment features an intriguing case study highlighting the complex interplay between recovery from respiratory illness and the role patient emotions play in delayed recovery. It is ...
The eight extraordinary meridians, pathways of energy (qi), run deep within our bodies, and supply the 12 regular meridians with qi and blood, supporting our DNA or genetic heritage. They have no ...
Think of your most difficult patient – the one you try to motivate and work so hard with to develop a realistic treatment plan with achievable and measurable goals. Week after week, you see this ...
A good business plan helps to define your target market, competitive advantage and optimum pricing strategies, and prepares the business for upcoming challenges. Developing a SWOT analysis can help ...
Let's begin this article with an overview of the Western biomedical research on migraine as it relates to the menstrual cycle. Migraine occurrence is statistically higher 0-2 days prior to menses, 0-5 ...
A more efficient method for diagnosis and treatment by remote medical dowsing has been found and used in acupuncture with great success. The procedure involves a pendulum, a picture of the patient, an ...
In 1951, Dr.Yoshio Nakatani MD, PhD developed a method of examining the meridian system of the body through electronic measurements that altered the way acupuncture would be practiced throughout Japan ...
It's becoming more common to encounter patients who are on a mood-stabilizing drug for depression or anxiety. Most of these are SSRIs (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibiters) given for depression ...
Isn't it interesting that the number one reason people visit a healthcare provider is because of pain. Chronic pain affects about 100 million American adults—more than the total affected by heart ...