The sports drama “Unstoppable” follows the inspirational tale of Robles, who was born with one leg, as he goes from Arizona ...
Born with only one leg, the wrestler won the 2011 NCAA individual wrestling national championship in the 125-pound weight ...
Greatness lies on the other side of our greatest fears, and Anthony Robles has proven himself unstoppable time and time again ...
Sports biopic ‘Unstoppable,’ starring Jharrel Jerome as former wrestling champion Anthony Robles and Jennifer Lopez as his ...
Jharrel Jerome (left) and Anthony Robles pose with festival attendees at the SCAD Savannah Film Festival in October. Jerome plays the national champion wrestler in the real-life sports drama ...
as he goes from Arizona high school wrestling superstar to undefeated college national champion. Jharrel Jerome plays Anthony, and Robles himself doubled the actor in grapple-heavy match scenes.
Spoiler alert! We're discussing moments from the new movie “Unstoppable” (streaming now on Prime Video). Proceed with caution if you haven't seen it yet. It’s pretty rare for someone to star ...