The James Webb Space Telescope's discovery of unusually bright and massive galaxies soon after the Big Bang has cast doubt on ...
Primordial black holes may be exploding throughout the universe. If we can catch them in the act, it could pave the way to ...
An international team led by the University of Geneva (UNIGE) has identified three ultra-massive galaxies—nearly as massive ...
An international research team, including Yale’s Pieter van Dokkum, has discovered a trio of supermassive “Red Monster” galaxies in the early universe.
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Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) can have billions of solar masses, and observational evidence suggests that all large ...
GIANT adalah lagu baru idol grup Korea Selatan, Stray Kids. Lagu ini dirilis dalam album Jepang kedua Stray Kids berjudul ...
Pelajari tentang singularity adalah fenomena misterius di pusat lubang hitam. Temukan fakta mengejutkan tentang titik di mana ...
Since the discovery of the acceleration, theorists have calculated that the universe will continue to expand faster and ...
Teleskop James Webb adalah teleskop luar angkasa paling mutakhir yang dimiliki ... yang menangkap kondisi alam semesta ...
Kembalinya G-Dragon ke industri K-pop jadi hal yang banyak diperbincangkan. Berikut fakta menarik G-Dragon si legenda K-pop.
KILAS KLATEN - Primordial black holes (PBHs) adalah jenis lubang hitam yang diperkirakan terbentuk segera setelah peristiwa ...