Judy Ann Santos (Instagram) Judy Ann Santos, the beloved and award-winning actress, takes center stage in Chito Roño’s highly anticipated horror film, 'Espantaho', as its lead actress and co-producer.
Dressed in a cozy red sweater that radiates Christmas vibes, the actress elevated her ensemble with exquisite Cartier jewelry pieces that exude sophistication. Her wrist sparkled with the Cartier Tank ...
Yen Santos Child – Rumor has it that the actress gave birth to her child with Kapuso actor Paolo Contis. Paolo and Yen’s relationship has been a hot topic in showbiz, from the time they were seen ...
Is it true that Yen Santos just gave birth to her baby with the actor? Months after the split between celebrities Yen Santos and Paolo Contis was confirmed, rumors about the actress. Celebrities Yen ...