Disney's animated classic takes on a new form, with a widened mythology and an all-star cast. A young Prince, imprisoned in the form of a Beast (Dan Stevens), can be freed only by true love.
"Beauty and the Beast" is ... from the upcoming movie starring Emma Watson. Disney has now released high-res versions of the photos. Here's a bigger look at how all of the characters will look ...
The Beauty and the Beast remake was a standout for its best original moments like giving Belle’s mom a backstory and Beast’s new original song “Evermore.” However, the Disney live-action remake ...
In his new memoir, In Gad We Trust, the Frozen actor opens up about the challenging period following the release of the 2017 Beauty and the Beast reboot. A brief shot of Gad's character LeFou ...
Josh Gad is reflecting on "all the fuss" made about his character's split-second moment in Disney's Beauty and the Beast in 2017 ... gay moment in a Disney movie." Gad, 43, writes about Condon's ...
Belle (Paige O'Hara) prepares the castle for Christmas against Beast's (Robbie Benson's) wishes, trying to bring him happiness for the season. Forte (Tim Curry), a pipe organ, fears that Belle's ...