A Baker Act patient is accused of attacking a nurse at the Cleveland Clinic Indian River Behavioral Health Center in Vero Beach on Monday, according to the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office.
The nurse said he was making his rounds around the medical facility when the man punched him in the back of the neck ...
The VA operates other primary-care and mental health locations in Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Fort Pierce, Okeechobee, and ...
According to the report, a 20-year-old man named Bryan Sanchez punched a nurse in the back of the neck over water.. Sanchez ...
A petition drive campaign is underway for a referendum to let Florida voters decide on lowering homeowners insurance rates.
Or just a full blown, all out "Game of Thrones" scenario and West Palm Beach is Kings Landing. Ooh. Can I be Daenarys?!? Just ...