Four months after D.C. passed a law to address the unpaid rent issue, landlords still see rising delinquencies and properties moving toward foreclosure.
Ted Leonsis’ firm won’t have to hit energy efficiency standards mandated for public buildings as he renovates Capital One Arena.
A judge extended the pause on the federal spending freeze last week, placing Washington, D.C.'s plans for its programs in flux.
Fire crews responded to a garbage truck fire on the inner loop of Interstate 495 on Monday. In a post on the X platform, the ...
A car caught fire on the 1100 block of 4th St SW in DC, and DC Fire and EMS quickly responded with no injuries reported.
Crews in D.C. respond to a fire on Monday, Feb. 10. Here is a video of flames and smoke billowing from a home in the 3600 block of Bangor Street SE.
Crews in D.C. battled a fire in an alley in Northwest late Sunday night. Just after 11:30 p.m., DC Fire and EMS said units ...
WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) – The Senate confirmed Russell Vought as the White House budget director. The vote came after Democrats ...
The Hawaii Supreme Court is considering insurance issues tying up a potential $4 billion Maui wild fire settlement. Seven ...