MAKAMU Mwenyekiti wa Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA), Tundu Lissu, ameonesha hofu ya kupenyezwa fedha ndani ya chama hicho ndiyo maana alilazimika kukemea suala la rushwa sababu alihisi ...
Baada ya maelezo hayo, Rais Samia aliuliza jina la simba huyo na alipoelezwa kwamba hajapatiwa jina, ndipo aliposema aitwe Tundu Lissu. Rais Samia wakati akifanya ufunguzi wa bwawa la kisasa la ...
Last month senior Chadema leaders, Mr Mbowe and his deputy Tundu Lissu, were arrested after they attempted to hold a youth rally. Police banned the rally, saying it was intended to cause violence.
The incident comes less than a month after Mbowe, his deputy Tundu Lissu and other Chadema leaders were briefly detained in a mass roundup that raised concerns about the shrinking democratic space ...
Katibu wa Itikadi, Uenezi na Mafunzo wa Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM), Amos Makalla ameendesha harambee ya kumchangia Makamu Mwenyekiti wa CHADEMA-Bara, Tundu Lissu ili aweze kutengeneza gari lake ...
Where Ya Bin is planning to open a 17,400-square-foot store at 1281 Carmia Way near Chesterfield Towne Center, according to Pam Strieffler of CBRE. The Ohio-based retail chain buys truckloads of ...
July’s YA fiction: from coercive control to Sapphic pirate romanceOpens in new window ] RTÉ Nationwide presenter Zainab Boladale makes her fiction debut with Braids Take A Day (O’Brien ...
Bayii ni aarẹ beere wi pe ‘’ṣe kiniun yii ni orukọ? Bi bẹẹ kọọ, ẹ fun un ni Tundu Lissu.’’ Ọkùnrin kan rí ẹ̀wọ̀n ọdún mẹ́rin he lẹ́yìn tó gbé igbó ...
UAMUZI wa Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) kumchangia fedha Makamu Mwenyekiti wa Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA), Tundu Lissu anunue ... kauli itatolewa baada ya kujiridhisha "kweli CCM wameweka ...
When former President Daniel Arap Moi introduced free school milk programme, popularly known as Maziwa ya Nyayo, in 1979, the scheme proved to be a blessing to many Kenyans. Millions of children found ...