Acclaimed anime director Hayao Miyazaki, who won a Ramon Magsaysay Award known as "Asia’s Nobel Prize," used his acceptance speech to highlight Japan’s wartime history in the Philippines.
Hayao Miyazaki abandoned a beloved sequel for a bold, divisive masterpiece that became Studio Ghibli’s most controversial masterpiece ...
Hayao Miyazaki is the face of Studio Ghibli, but this other founder is the director behind two of Studio Ghibli’s most ...
Some see anime as being entrenched in fantasy and sci-fi, but the medium spans genres, even delivering brutal tearjerkers.
Miyazaki initially thought Marnie's design was pretty basic, but director Yonebayashi's clear vision helped bring the ...
“He doesn’t feel that way at all,” Studio Ghibli executive Junichi Nishioka said in September 2023. “He is currently working ...
But this season it's a lot more difficult. I think throwing him into an environment like this today was a mistake. "After he made the initial mistakes, he did get better. But it was a really ...
LAS VEGAS--Hayao Miyazaki’s “The Boy and the Heron” won the Golden Globe Award for best animated motion picture on Jan. 7, the first time a Japanese film has won that category. Miyazaki did ...
Kim gave a good account of himself, but he was ultimately stopped inside four rounds by ‘The Monster’ However, fans are all pointing out the major mistake he made before getting knocked out by ...