Theories of the origins of how people came to be on the North American continent are continuously evolving because of the artifacts and structures that archaeological dig sites have provided and ...
A new study challenges old theories, proposing that money was created for trade between strangers and not to collect taxes.
Satellite images have led archaeologists to a new excavation site in Canada, yielding more clues to Norse settlements in North America ... evidence of looters at archaeological sites in Egypt.
But this is where Ahvaytum may rewrite the origin story because it originates from the North American landmass, which once formed part of Laurasia. At roughly 230 million years old, it is comparable ...
Bone needles like the ones from this study are common during this period in the North American archaeological record because sewing complex weather garments for freezing weather was a necessity in ...
The history of money, one of humanity’s most transformative creations, has been the subject of discussion for centuries. How ...
North American archaeology and prehistory with particular interests in the Northwest Coast, the Southwest, and PaleoIndian cultures. Major research programs since 1980 include several archaeological ...
Brown, Marley Research Professor Email: [[mrbro1]] Areas of Specialization: Historical archaeology; North America and the Atlantic islands Dicenta, Mara Assistant Professor Office: Washington Hall 114 ...
My research interests lie in zooarchaeology, animal/human relationships, working in collections, and public archaeology. I attended my field school at the Berry Site in North Carolina in 2022 ...