Tanzanian police have arrested prominent politician Tundu Lissu and two other opposition Chadema officials, the party has said. It says the three were detained on Sunday in the south-western town ...
“Does that lion have a name?” asked President Samia. "If not, name him Tundu Lissu.” Mr Lissu is the leader of the main opposition party Chadema. He was arrested earlier this year for ...
Senior leaders of Tanzania's main opposition Chadema party - including its chairman Freeman Mbowe and his deputy Tundu Lissu - have been released on bail, after they were detained ahead of a youth ...
Tanzania opposition leader Tundu Lissu has been arrested. Lissu was arrested on Sunday, September 10, alongside three other opposition politicians. According to a statement by the Arusha police ...
Kampeni ya utoaji chanjo ilianza juzi Jumapili baada ya Israel na kundi la Hamas kukubaliana juu ya usitishaji wa mapigano wenye ukomo. Jana Jumatatu, shirika hilo liliweka ujumbe katika mitandao ...
Mgombea huru wa urais wa Marekani Robert F. Kennedy Jr. anasema anasitisha kampeni yake na kumuunga mkono aliyekuwa Rais wa zamani wa Marekani na mgombea mteule wa chama cha Republican Donald Trump.
Kampeni za uchaguzi wa rais zime anza rasmi nchini Tanzania, ambako vyama husika vime anza kuuza sera zao kwa kina. Rais Magufuli, aliongoza chama chake (Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM)) katika uzinduzi ...
Taifa hilo lilipanga kuzindua chanjo hiyo Oktoba 8 baada ya kupokea dawa yake ya kwanza ya dozi ya mpox wiki iliyopita, hata hivyo mamlaka za afya zinanuia kuanza kampeni ya utoaji chanjo Oktoba 2 ...
Wakati shirika la Afya duniani WHO na washirika wake wakitarajiwa kuanzisha kampeni ya chanjo ya watoto dhidi ya Polio huko Gaza, maafisa wa Palestina wamesema Israel imewauwa watu wanne.
Holos lisu is an exciting story based on Ukrainian folklore. Enter the role of an agent of the Police Bureau of Investigation and find out what secrets the forest hides. Meet local residents and ...