Or maybe, in your Leo generosity, you’ve given too much or made one too many sacrifices for other people, and now you’re just drained. Whatever the circumstances, these moonbeams can help you ...
Leo Agosti 7 ni miezi 11 toka siku niliposhambuliwa na watu wanaojulikana sana kama 'watu wasiojulikana." Makamu wa rais wa Tanzania amtembelea Tundu Lissu Tundu Lissu asimama kwa mara ya kwanza ...
Just because something has worked for you for a long time doesn’t mean it can’t be altered or changed as you grow and evolve. Break out of areas where you’ve been pigeonholed; you’re far ...
Even though your home and personal relationships are sacred to you, sweet Cancer, it doesn’t mean those aspects of your life determine the happiness and peace you feel. The universe has been ...
Each week brings new cosmic energy, influencing your emotions, decisions, relationships, and overall well-being. During this week, your ruler, the Sun, will graze through the third house, triggering ...
Recognize your worth. Are you getting what you deserve? Level up your monetary ambitions as the sun coordinates with Uranus. A no-nonsense breakthrough may excite you to make strategic ...
As you two look into hindsight today, you will be surprised to realize how far you have come. You have known your partner for quite a while. As you settle down to commemorate, all the days you spent ...
HOSPITALI ya Taifa Muhimbili (MNH) imepokea mashine mbili za kisasa zilizogharimu Sh. 68,247,700 kwa ajili ya upasuaji wa macho kwa njia ya tundu dogo kwa wagonjwa wenye tatizo la mtoto wa jicho.
TAASISI mbalimbali zimeendelea kutoa matamko kulaani kuuawa kwa Mjumbe wa Sekretarieti ya Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA), Ally Kibao, huku Makamu Mwenyekiti wa chama hicho Tundu Lissu, ...