Anupama and Satya Nadella faced a heartbreaking tragedy when their 26-year-old son, Zain Nadella, who had cerebral palsy, passed away unexpectedly. Despite openly discussing the challenges of ...
“As [Zain’s] parents, it was up to us not to question ‘why,’ but instead to do everything we could to improve his life,” ...
Zain Nadella died at 26 today in Seattle. He was a cerebral palsy patient and needed a wheelchair. Advisory Alert: It has come to our attention that certain individuals are representing themselves ...
Nadella has long made the accessibility of technology a priority, informed in part by his experience raising a son who was visually impaired, quadriplegic and had cerebral palsy. Zain Nadella died ...
Explore Satya Nadella’s net worth, career achievements, leadership at Microsoft, personal life, and more in this detailed ...