Dissolution of a business or company occurs either voluntarily or judicially. In the case of voluntary Dissolution, all owners must agree either to dissolve the entity or identify a triggering event ...
Boulder, Co 1712 Pearl Street 80302 Denver, Co 1525 17Th Street 80202 bhgrlaw.com • (303) 402-1600 Boulder | Denver | Cheyenne | Irvine | San Diego Effective August 7, 2023, the Protecting ...
With interest rates on the rise, buyers in many markets are having second thoughts about making purchases that involve ...
Part 1] The Colorado Legislature, also known as the Colorado General Assembly (“CGA”), is one of three branches of state ...
Colorado’s first-of-its-kind Right to Repair agricultural equipment law, the Consumer Repairs Bill of Rights Act (CRBR), went ...
Estate planning attorneys are frequently asked by clients to explain the difference between a “will” and a “trust”. This ...
Whether you work in construction or healthcare, you have likely been impacted by childcare issues, either personally or as a ...
Early childhood educators (often called child care providers) cannot make less money and families cannot pay more for ...
On February 20, 2024, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that a tenant could allege violations of the Colorado Fair Housing Act ...
By one estimate, every fifth American worker has a “noncompete agreement” with a current or former employer. Such agreements ...
Childcare costs continue to rise faster than the rate of inflation, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In fact, ...
To the surprise of many non-lawyers, most verbal agreements are enforceable under Colorado law, subject to a few categorical ...