Retreat from the prior webhost was only a matter of time since around 2021 (things had turned sour due to SLAPP and other threats) What happened last year wasn't a big deal and not a huge peril (in ...
Today, but exactly one year ago, the new site officially launched with the new system (SSG). There is some background information in Part I and Part II of an ongoing series. The current hosting has ...
IN Part I we covered the technical reasons for the site's move (away from PHP), which we had envisioned in 2013 but only implemented a decade later (in 2023, after development began in summer 2022).
Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act was meant to help workers, but does it still work? Do companies follow the law? The way I see it, based on my gut feeling or basic intuition, ...
For those who don't know, PeerTube is Free software for distributed storage and transmission of videos (multimedia over the Web). PeerTube, unlike LBRY or Odysee, isn't some "get rich" scheme of ...
2020: Linux is Becoming a Code 'Burial Ground', Sometimes at the Expense of Size and Complexity (Bloat) (Con Kolivas threw in the towel) Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act was ...
At the moment, only 4 known instances still work (there used to be dozens or over a hundred): They only work (for now, intermittently) because they use proxies or IP pools that the mobsters at Google ...
With only a few hours remaining till the end of the first day of the new year of the new site, let's take a quick look back at an excellent and productive year: ...
The previous and original incarnation of this site, which mostly relied on WordPress, peaked at about 3,600 pages/posts/articles per year. In 2022/23 we approached those levels again for the first ...
A polite, amicable debate or a slight disagreement arose in IRC today. It was a lot to do with semantics, for example whether YouTube means, what the ...
And yes, that's one week after the Techrights reboot/relaunch. They're exactly one week apart, so it's easy to remember... I am quite certain that GNU, which is about to turn 41, will outlive the now ...
Linux as a realtime/real-time operating system (RTOS) was mocked publicly by Pete Zaitcev (Red Hat) or some other kernel hacker. We cannot find that anymore (we're tried hard), so we assume it got ...