近日美股瘋炒量子計算概念股,今日港股AI概念股都落鑊,值得跟進嗎?抑或始終美股才是贏家之選?今年暫時累計,美股標普500指數升逾26%,恒指累升約18%,日股反而連恒指都比不上?出年又會如何? 美股四巫日 倉位做好防風措施? 騰訊迎重大利好 三連升!撐起港股?
瑞幸咖啡 (LKNCY.US) 宣布正式進軍香港市場,明日 (28日)起香港五間分店將同步試業,分別位於尖沙咀美麗華廣場、將軍澳新都城中心、旺角新之城、沙田中心及上環德輔道中。據指,瑞幸此次進駐香港將以快取店模式為主,結合手機應用程式落單及付款的方式 ...
半導體股同AI相關股熱炒,據內媒報道,小米將大力投入AI大模型領域,股價曾升逾6%,相關消息係咪憧憬無限大? 美股四巫日 倉位做好防風措施? 騰訊迎重大利好 三連升!撐起港股?
PCCW (00008.HK) Chairman Richard Li's Pacific Century Group has sold PineBridge Investments' assets outside mainland China to MetLife Investment Management for US$800 million in cash. The ...
港股市場在11月中旬大幅回撤後連續兩周企穩反彈,恒指再度逼近20000萬點關口。而美國聯儲局啟動新一輪減息周期,此周期有望繼續貫穿2025年。預測港股明年「先低後高」 大摩料恒指明年最樂觀可... 匯港通訊> ...
CKI HOLDINGS (01038.HK) opened flat before hiking this morning, and mounted as much as 3.8% to a high of $56.25, setting a ...
China Life Asset Management Company announced its recent participation in the "Ansteel Group Capital Increase Project" as a trustee by utilizing funds entrusted by China Life Insurance Company and ...
Short selling $201.49M; Ratio 22.910% announced that it had repurchased a total of 9.0892 million shares of the company last ...
如欲分享新聞,請填寫收件人及閣下之電郵,再按「送出」。*必需填寫 ...
免責聲明 : 以上資訊僅供參考。AASTOCKS.com ...
智通財經APP獲悉,美國最高法院週三駁回了AI芯片巨頭英偉達 (NVDA.US) 的上訴,該芯片公司試圖避免股東提起的證券欺詐訴訟,股東們指控該公司曾經誤導投資者,錯誤地告訴他們銷售額在多大程度上取決於波動的加密貨幣市場。
ByteDance earlier extended an almost irresistible offer to poach Zhou Chang from Alibaba's Tongyi foundation model, yicai.com reported. The new contract includes a two-level promotion and a salary ...