The film, executive produced by Pedro Almodóvar, follows the victims as they organize a groundbreaking international lawsuit ...
Javier Zamora is an award-winning Salvadoran poet based in California. He published his book Unaccompanied in 2017 about his journey —with a coyote— at the age of nine to reunite with his parents in ...
Rowan Moore Gerety is a writer and radio producer based at Northwest Public Radio in Washington state. He is a regular contributor to NPR and has written for The Atlantic, Slate, and Foreign Policy, ...
Many have heard of the physical border wall that exists in different parts of the U.S.-Mexico border, but there is also the “virtual wall”. This cyber wall stretches across the border, and it’s made ...
Felipe Coronel, aka Immortal Technique, is a legendary underground hip-hop artist, known for his skills on the mic as well as his raw, highly political lyrics. His family immigrated to Harlem from ...
In the 90s, tax lawyer Maria Perez-Brown made a career switch from law to entertainment, specifically children’s television. She’s the creator of two prominent multicultural shows for Nickelodeon: ...
Natasha S. Alford has always been three things: Black, Latina and an overachiever. Weeks after a historic presidential election, Maria Hinojosa sits down with the political analyst, journalist, and ...
Monica Morales-Garcia (she/they) is an Audio Journalist, Fact-Checker, and Fashion Scholar from Santa Ana, California. She began her audio career as a Fellow at Latino USA, producing stories on ...
Mazin Sidahmed previously worked for the Guardian US in New York during the 2016 US elections, where he covered a variety of issues including surveillance and criminal justice, as well as the rise of ...
Naomi Larsson is a British freelance journalist reporting mostly on social and environmental issues. She was a commissioning editor for the Guardian’s global development network.
María Esquinca is a poet and journalist. She recently graduated with her M.F.A from the University of Miami, and was a 2020 Report for America corps member with Radio Bilingue. She was a News 21 ...