A while ago I was in need of a new Phono Pickup Cartridge. Having stayed for a long time with such budget favorites as the Cambridge C-77 and a nice NAD 9100, I was not going to shell out for a Koetsu ...
I auditioned a number of CD-Players, before buying my CD-67 SE. I felt that of all the CD-Players in question (which shall remain unnamed) it offered the most music for the money. Having lived with ...
The Decca International tonearm is an early unipivot designed for Decca cartridges. It has a number of interesting features: * the unipivot floats on magnetic suspension to damp the effect of rumble ...
Harman/Kardon, as the largest American audio manufacturer, hardly requires special introduction. Its founders, Dr Sidney Harman and Bernard Kardon pioneered the audio industry, along with such great ...
A Tapered Quarter Wave Pipe (or sometimes Tube - hence TQWT). Back in the '30's that pioneer of hi-fi Mr P.Voigt designed the Voigt Pipe. The idea was that putting a drive unit half way down a pipe ...
This review is a bit of a departure for me. Usually, I publish a review and then answer letters concerning the review. With the JoLida JD-100A, I have received countless e-mails that read something ...
Systems and Magic have just launched a new version of their mains conditioning products. The original conditioners were reviewed on TNT Audio in 2008. Kindly, the manufacturer provided examples of ...
The Music Maker is a very unusual cartridge. In a world of high end "arm-jewellery" it's based on a fairly cheap Grado cartridge which is then completely stripped and rebuilt with new tip, cantilever ...
JPS Labs is a US Company founded in 1990 by Joe Skubinski, a man who knows how to design HiFi gear in a really different way. His cables are made out of aluminium and, thanks to the fact that Joe ...
Many of us have over the years come across amplifiers, mostly from reputable sources and at rather steep prices, which have made us want to have them. More often than not, two aspects have drawn our ...
It's been a long time since I made the cables I'm presenting here, yet I have never seriously thought of them as a project for TNT Audio. I thought the topic was a tad redundant, due to the presence ...
La prima cosa che bisogna chiarire è che non si può collegare il giradischi ad un qualunque ingresso "linea" (tipo CD, AUX, TAPE etc.). La ragione è molto semplice: il segnale in uscita dal giradischi ...